Thursday, January 22, 2015

Intro to Dylan

I didn’t get hit by a truck, nor do I have inspirational stories of childhood memories for you – not now anyways – but I figured I ought to post to let our 100000 loyal followers know how I’m doing.
Right now I’m at work, where I sell ice cream. I’ve graduated from UCF, and spend most of my time running this Toppers Creamery and playing basketball with the Spanish speaking trailer park kids down the street. Not that this is a bad situation, but I’m ready for some adventure.  I’ve had a rather sub-par and disappointing time in Orlando over the past few years, and I’m hoping this Magical Quest will be a kick off to the next segment of my life.
Here’s the fun part: my last semester of college I was homeless. Partially due to circumstance, and partially because I’m stubborn and frugal, I lived out of my car and slept around on floors and couches. Apparently, this along with concerns about graduation, taking on the GM role at work, and other catalysts, caused me enough physical and psychological stress that I got as sick as I’ve ever been. I developed GERD, weird stomach things, weird lung problems, and other crap. (Side note – I also SUPER pulled my hamstring early last year and couldn't walk right for about six months, its still not completely right).
I’ve had constant pain in multiple regions of my body for months now, and have been on and off of an assortment of medications. I am about as unhealthy as I have ever been… so naturally it’s time attempt the greatest physical challenge of my life! :D  
I’ve got an appointment for a pair of lovely invasive procedures coming up in February. Hopefully they’ll be able to fix me up real good.  If not, you’ll probably see lots of whiney posts from me in the future about how my tummy hurts when we’re stranded in the woods with nothing to eat but small berries and chipmunk meat.
Oh and let’s not forget I’ve never ridden a road bike more than about two miles. Mountain bike boy since day one, baby.
This should be fun.

Love Dylan

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